Charlie Van Houten is a single mother running the usual weekend errands with her beautiful baby girl Haley, until a delusional gun-wielding woman named Simone takes them hostage in their own car. As they make their way to an unknown final destination, and Simone's paranoia spirals further out of control, Charlie must stop a different kind of monster from taking away all that she loves.
About the Author
Mary SanGiovanni is the author of a number of books including the Hollower Trilogy, Thrall, Chaos, and the novellas For Emmy and Possessing Amy. Her short fiction has appeared in periodicals, anthologies, and chapbooks for over a decade. She has a master's degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University, Pittsburgh. She is currently a member of The Authors Guild, The International Thriller Writers, and Penn Writers, and was previously an active member in the Horror Writers Association. She lives in New Jersey with her son and her cat.