In the appropriately titled "Duty to Investigate," Stone draws on his own experience as a Marine reservist called to active duty for service in Iraq to craft a page-turner of a story that sets up a mass murder of civilians during a Marine Corps combat operation and then follows his protagonist through a complicated web of political intrigue and combat action to cut through the fog of war in an effort to determine who really did the killing. Was it a rogue Marine under intense combat pressure? Or was it terrorists setting the Americans up for an international scandal? Stone weaves his way through this convoluted set-up with bold authority based on his personal experience as a Marine Corps lawyer and the details painted for readers evoke an authentic sense of the confusion and frustration faced by combatants on both sides in the Iraq War.
"Duty to Investigate" is a book that appeals to fans of military stories, legal thrillers, and tales laced with political intrigue. Through the eyes and actions of his protagonist-Major Mike Beck, ripped from a successful civilian law firm for service in Iraq-author Stone takes readers on a high-velocity chase after truth in a land where lies are common and dirty deals are a way of life. He provides readers enlightening and credible looks into the lives of combat Marines, Iraqi civilians and insurgents, powerful lawyers, and international press power-brokers. When the plot requires an unrelenting search for truth, Stone provides exciting and accurate depictions of combat action that can only come from someone who has first-hand experience at war. Stone's exciting new book tells us a lot about humanity in war, about the brutal enemy Americans faced in Iraq one about one man's dedication to truth and justice.
"Duty to Investigate" is available at, through booksellers, and in eBook form through our partnership with Open Road Media.
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