For some, September means going back to school. For others, it means saying goodbye to summer and getting ready for the upcoming fall season. But here at DC Comics, this September means one thing: Villains Month!
The Justice League is presumed dead and the Crime Syndicate has arrived following the tragic events of this summer's blockbuster "Trinity War". With the heroes gone, everything is up for grabs. Bizarro, Relic, Reverse-Flash, General Zod and all the villains you love to hate have unleashed a wave of evil sure to dominate the fall! They've commandeered their comic books. They've even vandalized their once-heroic logos.
"One of the things that makes us stand out from others is our depth and breadth of our villains," said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee. "Sometimes our villains are even more infamous than some of our heroes, and we are able to explore that side of the universe in a way very few other companies can."
"The Justice League is gone and the Crime Syndicate is here. You have all the villains in new roles, and the world has been really altered. The strongest team in the world isn't what you'd expect - it's a team of villains," writer Geoff Johns said about the highly anticipated miniseries, FOREVER EVIL. "The great thing about villains is that they cross the line all the time. They don't know where the line even is. They're unpredictable. You're not sure which way they'll turn, which makes writing them always compelling and motivating."
"One of the things this story gives us, especially with JUSTICE LEAGUE, which ties directly into it, it gives us a chance to really explore these characters. And the Crime Syndicate, for me, each one has a different reason for being there. Each one has a history and a story and a mission and a goal and a desire and a need. Those will be explored throughout this story line. Just because they're together doesn't mean they're necessarily a well-oiled machine," Johnscontinued. "I think all these characters are really fascinating because they're such twisted fun-house mirrors to our world's greatest superheroes."
As for those 3D lenticular covers you've been hearing so much about? Each one includes five separate layers of artwork! "There's the hero in the background, two layers of the villain, one layer for the villains power, and the logo layer," explained DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio. "You're trying to capture the spirit of the villain," added Lee.
Following Villains Month, all of the New 52 titles not directly tying into FOREVER EVIL will pick up where they left off in August. Come April, however, all of the other books will catch up with the timeline of FOREVER EVIL and will be drastically impacted by that miniseries' explosive conclusion in March.
"There will be consequences, huge ramifications," editor Brian Cunningham teased. "A lot of pieces will need to be picked up for all the characters we all care deeply for. But it's all in the name of keeping the audience on its toes, that DC is not going to play it safe."
FOREVER EVIL #1 and the first batch of Villains Month titles are available in stores today. Attached for inclusion in your coverage, please find the standard and variant covers for this inaugural issue. For more information, please visit DC Comics' official press blog.