(PRWEB) January 31, 2015
Now, readers can star in their own personalized vampire romance novel, Dark Embrace - available just in time for Valentine's Day. Book lovers and vampire fans co-author Dark Embrace by selecting the names and features for the main characters in the book: the vampire heroine; the hero, a gifted Shadow Ward; and the heroine and hero's supernatural best friends. Readers can include a spouse or significant other, friends, relatives or co-workers-even their favorite vampire stars from TV and movies-all included in their very own novel. The characters' hair color, eye color, figure, favorite restaurant and drink are some of the story's 30 personalized characteristics that result in thousands of changes in each book. Dark Embrace is a 200-page, professionally bound novel available in paperback or hardcover editions. Photos can be uploaded and added to the cover to make this the most romantic and personalized Valentine's gift imaginable.
In Dark Embrace, a personalized paranormal romance, the hero guides the dead to the Pool of Sorrow, but finds that his latest assignment is our heroine, a vampire who feeds on human souls--and her latest victim is our hero. His instincts fail when he's drawn into the home of our lovely heroine, a lethal woman who immediately binds him to her with an unbreakable web of black lace. Slowly, the heroine and hero accept one another, but the dark truth is-only one can survive and soon, deeper feelings link them even more powerfully than the black lace itself.
To personalize a copy of Dark Embrace, readers can visit http://www.RomanceByYou.com. The company also offers a free demonstration area to preview personalized excerpts from any of the company's 62 - romance, classic, teen, mystery or children's novels. Book By You novels are available in hardcover, paperback and personalized ebook editions.
BookByYou.com is an interactive publishing company and its personalized books have been featured on The View, CBS Early Morning, CNN, Jimmy Kimmel and in USA Today and the Washington Post.
Media interviews, promotions and giveaways are available upon request. Please contact Michael Pocock at 1-877-898-1440 or publish(at)BookByYou(dot)com.