The National Socialistic upbringing in the League of German Girls, or Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM), used paramilitary-like disciplinary measures to build loyalty and moral character in these young girls. Coupled with neo-pagan rituals, songs and folklore, Cynthia A. Sandor's new book, "Through Innocent Eyes: The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth" (published by Balboa Press), captures the self-actualization of her mother Gertrude Kerschner, who as a child, was a member of the Hitler Youth.
"Four months before my mother, Gertrude, passed away from bone cancer, I found her handwritten, green cloth journal," Sandor shares. "The faded torn red cloth emblem of a sword piercing an Odal rune is glued to the right hand, lower corner of the book, bound together on the left with a simple green string. It was her personal journal she wrote while serving in the elite rural educational BDM Landjahr Lager program during World War II."
"Through Innocent Eyes" is a biography based upon Gertrude's personal journal. This true-life story showcases her transition from childhood to adulthood and the disciplines she learned. In 1941, there were only 26,000 chosen members in the "Landjahr Lager" program and Gertrude was one of them.
"Through Innocent Eyes"
By Cynthia A. Sandor
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 436 pages | ISBN 9781452563107
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 436 pages | ISBN 9781452563084
E-Book | 438 pages | ISBN 9781452563091
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Cynthia A. Sandor was born in New York and raised in Greenwich, Conn. She was the Manager of Copyrights, Licensing and Administration with Cherry Lane Music Publishing Co., Inc. Sandor studied at St. Petersburg College and received her B.A. in Business with a minor in Human Development from Eckerd College. She has produced a number of television shows and has written for Guitar for the Practicing Musician, Biker Ally magazine and the Tampa Bay New Times magazine. Ms. Sandor lives with her two Chihuahuas in Oldsmar, Fla.
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