Craig Ewald was drawn into a mystery when his hunting party stopped in the wooded slopes beneath the Black Hills of South Dakota, bordering Wyoming. As they dropped their gear and removed their hats, they eventually began talking about the foreboding area, as well as a mystery that has plagued the region for almost a century.
After hearing of it, Ewald was pulled into the mystery himself. Tracking down clues and countless hours of researching lead him to write a historical novel titled "Only Jody Knows."
"Two of our hunting party were young boys who lived during her disappearance," Ewald said. "They were able to point me in the right direction. I didn't know that their guidance would lead me to work that consumed me as much as it did."
Jody Bucklin was a native of north-central South Dakota. After a series of strange events, she went missing. Bizarre clues were left behind that made it impossible to indicate whether she had run away or had arrived at a more unfortunate fate. As the investigation became more intense, it soon became evident that someone knew more than they were letting on.
The hunt for Jody escalates in the novel and Ewald's thoroughly researched historical facts inform with equal interest. As the tense threads of the mystery begin to unravel, readers may get closer to discovering what only Jody knows.
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"Only Jody Knows"
By Craig B. Ewald
ISBN: 978-1-4969-0839-1
Softcover price: $19.95
Hardcover price: $28.99
E-book price: $3.99
Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Author House
About the author
Craig Ewald is a graduate of Parson's College, an inventor and has saved the lives of three people on three separate occasions. He was a bank vice president for a number of years before joining Caterpillar Inc. He is an avid antique collector and likes to hunt and fish. Currently retired, he lives with his long-time significant other, Martha Kyle, near Peoria, Illinois.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Matt VanScoik