Throughout human history angels and guardian spirits have been described as beings of divine properties created by God to help humanity and to guide them to the right path. In "Cloud Dusting" the author Ocean Jade tells of her life experiences with these spirits and how they were able to help her overcome the many obstacles in her life.
This book tells of the author's life story and experiences that have influenced her throughout her life. It tells of her many encounters with spirit guides that have helped her in her many endeavors and to rise up from failures.
It is a unique true story of the author's personal journey from ordinary beginnings to a very spiritual awakening. Many lessons learnt and many rescues accomplished. There are some funny stories and light entertainment that both touch and inspire the reader, while some content will shock and surprise, and some of it will keep one awake at night. This eye-opening book comes with an added bonus of photos of spirits which are very rare especially the photo of Spirit Divine. The author believes this to be the only photo in the world and gives credence to the existence of spirits. There are also some low level lessons to get one involved and begin one's own chilling experiences and find out the many faceted surfaces of the spirit world for oneself.
"Cloud Dusting" is an enlightening read that shows the reader that spirits are everywhere and can be seen by anyone; one merely needs to listen.
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About the Author
Ocean Jade calls herself a witch, instead of a Medium. She is a good witch who sees the best in everything. She can see, sense and hear spirit and know they want to do their best for her. They guide her to wherever she wants to go as the night sky is the limit and New Zealand has the clearest skies in the world. She was born and raised in New Zealand where she was surrounded by great beauty. The country is stunning and she has seen it all. She lives with the jewels of the crown upside-down-under and loving it, in a very spiritual way.
Cloud Dusting* by Ocean Jade
Is the Loving Spirit within us all
Publication Date: October 15, 2013
Picture Book; $64.99; 132 pages; 978-1-4931-0368-3
e-book; $3.99; 978-1-4931-0369-0
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