Clifton E. Stine marks his debut in the literary limelight with a new juvenile fiction tale featuring "The Legend of D'Woof-ta, The Little White Wolf" (published by Xlibris). Enthralling and entertaining, this vibrant story shares a happy tale of how the first snow came.
In the beginning of time, all the free people roamed the fields, plains and forests of the New World and grew in numbers until the lands became overcrowded. The animals became hungry. Father Time saw the problem and, one moonlit night, brought forth the Great Mother Wolf from the waters of the first spring. He then charged her to take from the free people the old, sick and injured so that the strongest and fittest would share the gifts of the New World. Soon Mother Wolf became overwhelmed with the task that Father Time had given her. She went to Father Time and begged for some helpers. That night she was given four new cubs that looked just like her. The animals were very unhappy and went to Mother Nature to complain that they could not rest because of all the new wolves. This adventure soon gave birth to the creation of the seasons, most especially the first snow fall.
"This is a different tale for young people who have many questions and enjoy imaginative answer," Stine says. "I would like to have the reader recognize that the best of intensions always have unintended consequences and that to really get things done everyone has to compromise."
A snippet from the book reads:
The great wolf went then to Father Time and pointed to the forest, hills and plains that were given to her to roam. "I am only one, but you have given all the other free people helpers to aid them. Why must I be the only wolf, with no help? I travel the forest, the hills and the plains from dawn to dusk, without rest to do your bidding. And everyday the free peoples numbers increase while I am still only one. Will, you give to me, Father Time, only what you have given to all the free people?" she begged.
"The Legend of D'Woof-ta, The Little White Wolf"
By Clifton E. Stine
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 24 pages | ISBN 9781524566661
E-Book | 24 pages | ISBN 9781524566654
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Clifton E. Stine is a professional engineer with over 40 years of experience in defense programs. He has applied his innovation and creativity to many of the most challenging issues confronting the modern world. When his daughter asked him, "Where does snow come from?" he collected all his experience and knowledge to create the "Legend of the White Wolf" and how a mistake by Mother Nature's magic butterflies caused Father Time to make the first snow and create all the seasons now and for all time.
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