The all-new Cigar Advisor is an online cigar magazine that brings a fresh, irreverent, and down-to-earth perspective on all things cigars to thousands of smokers. In addition to educational cigar content and behind-the-scenes cigar industry articles from some of the business's top names, Cigar Advisor delivers an array of content about a variety of topics of interest to people who enjoy the cigar lifestyle. The magazine also features cigar reviews and ratings submitted by real smokers. Cigar Advisor has just published their June issue, featuring Matt Booth of Room 101 Cigars on its cover.
Featured on the cover of the June edition of Cigar Advisor Magazine:
Sucka Fo' Matt Booth
"Love is a many-splendored thing," writes Matt Booth in the cover feature, his monthly relationship advice column. But as his research informed him, he says, "splendor is a very subjective term." Invoking Marvin Gaye's love songs, Booth discusses whether or not love is "beautiful and clean" if it involves less mainstream behavior in a relationship.
Donning the Tools of Tommy Zarzecki
Zarzecki played hockey on the junior pro level in New Jersey as a youth. As he recalls those memories, he asks readers "Of all the positions played in the world of sports, why would anyone with a sane and rational thinking mind make the choice to become an ice hockey goaltender?" The answer, Tommy says, is simple - in his opinion there is nothing sane about the men who stand "between the pipes." While detailing the nuances of NHL players like Patrick Roy, Glenn Hall, Jacques Plante and Gump Worsley, Zarzecki interviews Flyers Hall of Famer Bernie Parent for his opinion.
The Truths of Risks & Kurt Van Keppel
Kurt Van Keppel is the CEO and co-founder of Xikar, a manufacturer of cigar accessories. He has contributed a new installment for a recurring column on business building and entrepreneurship. Building on his previous article about getting a new idea off the ground and recommendations for starting a business, Kurt highlights some of the challenges entrepreneurs might encounter when it comes time to grow that new business.
America's 5 Best Cigar Barry Stein
With the proliferation of smoking bans and less cigar-friendly establishments across the country, Barry writes that "the American landscape is becoming less and less smoker friendly." Because his work has allowed him an opportunity to travel, he outlines some of the cities he's visited that he says "cigar lovers can find a haven to partake."
The new issue also offers a "Grip It & Rip It" golf gear guide written by contributor Harry Hurt III.
About Cigar Advisor Magazine
Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created for real cigar enthusiasts who love tobacco and live the lifestyle. Cigar smokers are passionate about almost everything they do - whether it's the drinks they savor, the food they devour, the cars and motorcycles they dream of, the sports they're fanatical about or the women they love, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge, soaking up each day and experience as if it were our last. Find that passion and more on display at