In "Fipa's World: Australian Children's Classic," author Fiona Rossiter presents the whimsical story of a young boy who saves and befriends a yellow spotted bell frog, which is considered to be a critically endangered species that is native to southeastern Australia. As an endearing friendship blossoms between the boy, Tristan, and the frog, Fipa, the duo embarks on a series of delightful adventures throughout New South Wales.
"Through my Fipa's World series, I hope to provide kids with both an enjoyable story and an opportunity for them to learn about the beautiful permaculture world and how important it is to care for the earth and protect it," Rossiter said. "In an increasingly technology-focused society, I also hope my work will encourage families and schools to focus their efforts on connecting young people to nature and encouraging them to spend time outdoors."
Full of colorful, kid-friendly illustrations, "Fipa's World" provides parents with an accessible and fun way to teach their children about the importance of caring for the environment, spending time in nature and being gentle and kind to critters big and small while also introducing them to a touching, lighthearted tale about the power of friendship and imagination.
"Fipa's World: Australian Children's Classic"
By Fiona Rossiter
ISBN: 978-1-5043-0883-0 (paperback); 978-1-5043-0884-7 (electronic)
Available through Balboa Press, Barnes & Noble and Amazon
About the author
Fiona Rossiter grew up in the English countryside and is the owner of Australia-based small business Bissys Permaculture Café. Rossiter was an elected councillor for the city of Orange in New South Wales, where she still resides, for eight years and previously worked as a nurse for 17 years and taught children at Gymbaroo for four years. Passionate about her community and educating others on the topics of sustainability and green living, Rossiter is in the process of building an eco-friendly permaculture space on 97 acres under the endorsement of Geoff Lawton, and her next book, "Trikay the Lady Beetle," is slated for release soon. To learn more, please visit or
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