Cheryl Samuels tells a coming-of-age story in her new novel, "Destiny" (published by LifeRich Publishing).
"Destiny" tells the story of twins Romeo and Rachel, who were separated as toddlers after a tragic car accident killed their mother. Raised in very different homes, they reunite at age 18. The book follows their journey to discover the truth about the fateful day they lost their mother. Together with their friends Lisa and Ryan, the twins find adventure, mystery and a love that overcomes all.
"I believe I have captured the essence of that time between childhood and adulthood that forms how we will react in different situations," Samuels says. "I think that based on how well the Twilight and Harry Potter series went it will be well received."
By Cheryl Samuels
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 288 pages | ISBN 9781489700391
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 288 pages | ISBN 9781489700377
E-Book | ISBN 9781489700384
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Cheryl Samuels is a 16-year veteran of the Army, currently employed with the Department of Veterans Affairs in San Diego. She is a wife and mother of three with two granddaughters. Samuels has lived a very interesting life due to her heritage of Cuban and Creole parents. She loves karaoke and has been a lead and backup singer in several small bands. Her hobbies include reading, music, drama, writing and APA pool league. She is in the process of starting a small business as a Sisterlock Consultant and enjoys grooming and training her four dogs.
Samuels began writing her autobiography more than 20 years ago for personal therapy and found a new outlet. She continues to work on it today. At the suggestion of a coworker, she began writing "Destiny," her first attempt at fictional writing.
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