Cherie Doyen has written a book to help educate adults and teenagers on the subject of familial sexual, emotional and mental abuse, how to recognize the warning signs and how to handle the situation.
Through Doyen's personal experiences she has written her first book, Junebug. This story chronicles the journey of her life and provides guidance for teenagers and adults who have been abused mentally, physically and emotionally. Junebug portrays a very visual journey through the trauma ingenuity of a child's mind. It's a candid honest look at the clan like structure of an abusive family, the primary focus being sexual abuse.
"I want people to see and understand experientially what it's like to live in an abusive family," said Doyen. "I want Junebug to give women the platform to start talking."
Doyen's goal is to help create an atmosphere for young adults and older to learn how to handle difficult situations that can happen between family and friends. She would love her story to be shared between parents and their teenage child.
"My passions are centered around discovering the entanglements that keep people tied to their pain," said Doyen. "I get great joy from helping them untangle their story and pull the programs that keep them trapped and unsuccessful."
Junebug discusses the idea of hope and how to achieve a better life after familial abuse. Doyen sees herself as not a victim but a warrior, a survivor and now a perfectly functioning adult.
For more information, visit
By Cherie Doyen
ISBN: 978-1-45257-205-5
Retail Price $14.99
Available in paperback and hardcover.
About the author:
Cherie Doyen is an animal enthusiast, wife and mother of two children. Doyen has spent many years exploring specific issues dealing with mental, physical and emotional abuse. She now offers spiritual, intuitive guidance on her website