Venture capitalist Charles Martin has released his first novel, "Provocateur," ( a story of ingenious, multi-million-dollar schemes that draw heavily on his financial and technological background.
The novel explores an aspect of the human experience that surrounds the age-old contest between men and women. It is the story of Nadia, a young Russian woman who comes to America through a mail-order-bride program."I am fascinated by strong, intelligent women," says Martin, who grew up in a poor household and went on to have a distinguished career in venture capital and private equity. "'Provocateur' is about the contest between an audacious woman and powerful men. It explores and celebrates the sources of a woman's powers over men."Nadia, abandoned at birth and raised in a bleak Russian orphanage with no love or tenderness, is, nonetheless, a brilliant and beautiful girl. To escape a hopeless future, she becomes a mail-order bride and weds an American. But the overseas matches have an ulterior purpose: to find young women with the right stuff to execute schemes that part millionaires from their money.Videos