"The Seekers: The Secret of the Turtles" (published by Archway Publishing) is a mystical tale of a Caribbean princess who sets off on a journey with her best friend and a prince of Barbados to save the sea turtles and calm an active underwater volcano. Along the way, she learns she has an extraordinary future unlike any she ever imagined for herself.
"When my daughter was 2 years old and wanted to put the Disney Princesses on her wall she turned to me asked, 'Why do all the princesses look like you? Why don't they look like me?'" author Cece Younger says. "It broke my heart and from that point I wanted to create kid's products that reflect diversity of people."
With a diverse cast of characters, many of whom have mixed heritages, and set in a fantastical setting, young readers will find an array of characters to relate to as the group travels on their mystical adventure.
More information is available at http://bydwyr.com/.
"The Seekers"
By Cece Younger
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 82 pages | ISBN 9781480827905
E-Book | 82 pages | ISBN 9781480827912
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Cece Younger is a dreamer with a vivid imagination. Inspired by her daughter to write short stories, she combines her love of travel and exploration to create stories that are part fantasy and part reality.
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