Women in Tech NJ & NY Founder Cathy C. Smith celebrated the publication of her new book "How to Become a Digital Leader: A Roadmap to Success"! (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform); on November 29, 2018 with colleagues and supporters at a reception / signing event at the La Taverna Cocktail Lounge in Caldwell, New Jersey. Smith, a native of Northern New Jersey, calls herself a "Digital Transformation Advisor and Future Tech Enthusiast" and her 195-page "Digital Leader" is intended for professionals in any industry who want to get up to speed, and obtain resources on how to become a digital business leader in the digital age. "You'll learn about what has changed and how to prepare for what's here now digitally and what's coming ahead digitally-in simplified language," she added. The book can be previewed and purchased online, at major national bookstores or connect with the author on LinkedIn, Instagram #howtobecomeadigitalleader and Twitter: @CathyCSmith.
According to Smith, Women In Tech NJ & NY is a Meetup group that invites all women who are interested in building a technology community that is committed to diversity, empowerment, and entrepreneurship. People of all genders and skill levels are welcome. For more information, contact: womenintechnjny@gmail.com.