A frightening picture of the near future is painted in a new science thriller, 'Return to Gallanvaig' by author Catherine Greenall.
"Return to Gallanvaig" is the second part of the "Quirk of Destiny" trilogy, an apocalyptic tale of devastation and destruction caused by the widespread introduction of genetically modified food, resulting in the decimation of the human race and the rise of the "Genies," or gene-mutated humans. Two years have passed since the first outbreak and the Genies, led by Balthazar, the epitome of evil with paranormal powers, hatch a plan to increase their diseased race, despite the ravages of GM poisoning. Meanwhile, a ruthless shadowy group emerges, intent on manipulating world events, causing death and destruction, with the ultimate aim to take control of the surviving world population. They attack their sworn enemies, the Genies and inveigle the leaders of the nations of the world. The only hope for the survival of humankind is the backlash from the GM-free survivors.Videos