"Soul to Sole: The Views From The Shoes" (published by iUniverse) follows the story of three women from different generations and the life experiences that made them into the women they are today. Author Carolyn Evaughn Knowles translates her mother's oral history into a book about the power of love and the will to live, despite challenges and obstacles that arise.
Knowles started gathering material for the book when her 86-year-old dementia-suffering mother moved in, and her husband became the caregiver. Since her mother's long-term memory remained intact, Knowles started recording the stories her mother told over and over, and the idea for a book formed.
"My book is unique in that it served as an answer to my personal prayer, by providing a positive outlet for stress during a very challenging time," Knowles says, adding that she uses a shoe analogy throughout the book because she's always loved them. When she broke her ankle and had to have surgery, she suddenly realized the important role of shoes.
"I could not wear the beautiful stilettos, high heels, pumps, or even flats that I loved for over six months, as it took that long for my ankle to heal," she explains. "As I reflected on the important role of shoes, I thought about how the spiritual (soul) and physical sole work together to take us through a journey called life."
"Soul to Sole"
By Carolyn Evaughn Knowles
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 218 pages | ISBN 9781491732946
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 218 pages | ISBN 9781491732922
E-Book | 218 pages | ISBN 9781491732939
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Carolyn Evaughn Knowles, a senior-level civil servant, earned a bachelor's degree from St. Augustine's College and a master's from Central Michigan University. She is a retired Army officer, former assistant professor of business and program director. She and her husband, Gilbert, have a daughter and live in Haymarket, Va. This is her first book. Find more information at: theviewfromtheshoes.com.
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