Solon Phillips, JD/MBA, uses his research and legal writing skills learned as a member of Law Review to write a riveting book capturing all aspects of marriage and divorce. "Colored Water," (published by Trafford Publishing) makes compelling arguments for spouses, state legislators, pastors and therapists to take note of.
It provides a comprehensive discourse on love, marriage, involuntary divorce, spousal abandonment, the legality of marriage and God. The book addresses questions that are often ignored because of the degree of difficulty in answering. From state law to God's law, from pastors to witches, this book covers every aspect of love, marriage and divorce. Praise for "Colored Water:"
"As a therapist, it is essential that all mental health professionals read Colored Water. Not only will it enrich your personal life, but it will elevate you to a better mental health professional," says Terrance Woodbury, MSW.
"This book is a ministry! Not only to the married and unmarried, but to pastors and elders as well. A must read, especially for all church leaders." Pastor Melvyn Hayden III reviews.
"This book will make you laugh, cry, think, and at times cry out the name of Jesus! The truths written in this book is nothing short of astonishing. Colored Water is what the world needs today," proclaims journalist Anita Hill.
"Traditional values and morals continue to erode. Divorce, adultery, children out of wedlock have all become 'normal' and 'acceptable.' But God did not design it to be this way. Solon Phillips takes a hard look at these issues in this book. Hopefully readers will be guided in the right direction after reading Colored Water." Daryl F. Mallett, Founder of Malachi 2:16 Marriage Ministries, adds.
"Colored Water"
By Solon Phillips, JD/MBA
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 236 pages | ISBN 9781490758541
E-Book | 236 pages | ISBN 9781490758534
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Solon Phillips received his master's in business and his juris doctorate from American University Washington College and Law. He lives in Maryland with his two children, Adonis and Athena.
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