LUSAKA, Zambia - Dr. Henry Musenge communicates the impact of external influence on cultural transformation and reactions not only in Zambia, but in other African countries as well, a process that is ongoing to this day. His book, "Changing Shadows" (published by Xlibris UK), chronicles Zambia's struggle to become a progressive and modern country while still keeping its own identity.
"Changing Shadows" is a story about cultural change. Starting with a typical Zambian rural setting, the book swiftly unfolds to an urban and sophisticated setting depicting discords to human relations, revealing the dilemmas of those caught in the middle. It follows young Mwila who clashes with an outdated tradition, annoying many traditionalists in the process. Although her experiences leave indelible marks on her character, Mwila's stint in London strengthens her resolve. She returns home more confident, cultured, and different, annoying the conservatives and traditionalists in the process. The climax is a confrontation between the two factions.
This novel illuminates aspects of Zambian life such as the vulnerability of women and the rural population's drift towards urban centers.
"Changing Shadows"
By Dr. Henry Musenge
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 230 pages | ISBN 9781493138746
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 230 pages | ISBN 9781493138739
E-Book | 230 pages | ISBN 9781493138722
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Henry M'ule Musenge was born on 22 November 1945 in Mansa, Zambia. He obtained a bachelors' degree in Human Biology from the University of Zambia in 1972. He also holds master's and Ph.D degrees from the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom. Musenge is married to Rosemary C. Musenge, Permanent Secretary in the office of the Vice President. They have four children, three girls and one son. He originally worked for the National Council for Scientific Research (1972-1982) and as chief executive officer of Zambia Horticultural Products Limited (1982-1986) and BCCI Foundation for New and Emerging Sciences and Technologies (1986-1992). He has contributed several articles to scientific journals and has contributed chapters to research informed books, such as, "Mediating HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa," published by PANOS Southern Africa and "Criminal Justice in Zambia," Published by the Institute for Criminal Justice, based in Nairobi, Kenya. Currently, he is Dean of the School of Education at Zambian Open University in Lusaka. He teaches Biology and Research Methods and supervises students' research projects.
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