"Can I Be Me Without Losing You?" (published by Balboa Press) is for any reader who may be worried that to be happy and true to themselves means leaving the life they have behind. Author Chental Wilson takes readers on her journey of self-empowerment, chronicling her growth along the way, and explains what to tell loved ones so that they do not feel afraid, threatened or confused by new actions.
"I wanted to share what I had come to know as 'truth' and I wanted to inspire others to become the detectives in their own lives so that they could learn to love themselves unconditionally as I have," says Wilson.
Wilson says the book will appeal to women who are wives and mothers in particular, or anyone who has compromised themselves in order to keep the peace and protect the emotional stability of those they love. "After the children leave home, parents realize that they don't want to compromise themselves any longer, there is new space where they now ask themselves, what's next?" says Wilson. "Men don't understand, nor can they, how conditioned women are to carry the responsibility of keeping the peace and keeping everyone emotionally safe."
Wilson's personal journey teaches readers how to live the life one wishes to lead without compromise, but also without leaving loved ones in a state of confusion and uncertainty. The tool used is "one's own truth" as a "compass in communication" to be "delivered fearlessly with the utmost compassion."
"Can I Be Me Without Losing You?"
By Chental Wilson
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 216 pages | ISBN 9781504354455
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 216 pages | ISBN 9781504354431
E-Book | 216 pages | ISBN 9781504354448
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Born into a strong Catholic family in High Wycombe, England, Chental Wilson is the second youngest of nine girls. She lives on Salt Spring Island with her husband. This is her first book. More information is available at http://www.chentalwilson.com/.
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