The world has presented author C. M. Villaescusa with interesting experiences that became the creative thread through which he weaves a fabric of fictional stories. From many decades of observing the human condition, he collates his works in "Tales from the Maze of the Mind" (published by Xlibris), an altogether encompassing anthology of diversity, values and a celebratory mark of the limitless artistic capacity of the human mind.
"Tales from the Maze of the Mind" is the author's compilation of many years of writing stories. Inspired by close friends who encouraged him to put his literary works into publication, the author finally conceded, resulting to this richly-melded reflection of half-a-century of independent occurrences, both personal and learned. It is neither a portrait of the real happening, according to Villaescusa, but a projection of his imagination. The book touches many themes from the bizarre to the fantastical. It goes from the liberal thoughts of the streets to the dark philosophy of the enclosed man. The characters, many times simultaneously the narrators, may go from the mentally-challenged to the insane intellectual. It is a repository of human portraits and their stories from which the author hopes the reader could find a point of identification or an entertaining bypass.
"These stories offer a view of reality through different kinds of consciousness," says Villaescusa. "Every story is different and mainly seen through a lens into the mind."
Compelling and wonderfully insightful, "Tales from the Maze of the Mind" is a cornucopia of suspense, action, romance and injustice that enriches human experience and offers an opportunity for the written word to survive.
"Tales from the Maze of the Mind"
By C. M. Villaescusa
Hardcover | 6x9in | 452 pages | ISBN 9781503547681
Softcover | 6x9in | 452 pages | ISBN 9781503547698
E-Book | 452 pages | ISBN 9781503547674
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
C. M. Villaescusa was born in Havana, Cuba on February 9, 1948 to a family of mixed Spanish-Italian heritage. The author completed his first story around 1968. After attending a military school, he started college education as an engineering student, but later on decided to pursue a degree in Physics. Through this, he started his career in the academe, all the while continuing to pursue his literary passion. In 1980, he travelled to the United States where he still resides to this day working in various fields including graphic design and tutoring science and mathematics. Once retired, he spent his time writing, which paved the way to this collection of stories.
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