Who: Pegasus Books has licensed Chinese translation rights to Rena Pederson's "The Burma Spring" (Pegasus) in mainland China to China South Booky Culture Media after an exciting auction. South Booky is also the publisher of Condolezza Rice's "No Higher Honor," Colin Powell's "It Worked for Me" and Niall Ferguson's "The War of the World." A late 2017-early 2018 publication is planned.
What: The Huffington Post World news is spotlighting a new opinion article by author Rena Pederson in advance of Burma's national elections. Both the U.S. Burma Campaign and the Campaign for Burma in the United Kingdom have touted the "incisive analysis" of Pederson's election overview. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rena-pederson/the-lady-vs-the-general_1_b_8490710.html
When and where: The first general elections in 25 years will be held Sunday, Nov. 7 in Burma, renamed Myanmar by military rulers. Burma has become one of the fastest growing regions of the world since the economy was opened in 2010. It is in the bull's eye of one of the most strategic corners of the world, with China and India at its borders.
How: More than a thousand election observers from around the world and some 291 member of the international press will be on hand to monitor the Sunday election, which could be a major step forward for democracy in Asia - or could be disrupted by the threat of violence.
Why: "The Burma Spring" by award-winning author Rena Pederson has been praised by reviewers as "impressively researched and compellingly written." Senator John McCain commended, "The Burma Spring captures Aung San Suu Kyi's courageous fight for democracy in Burma." It is the most timely guide available to the strategic importance of Burma to the U.S.
To learn more, visit renapederson.com