"A Woman Of Quiet Strength" is the story of Catherine Antonia Almeida. Born just after the turn of the twentieth century, the novel chronicles the major influences of her life, and those around her. How, as a young bride, she became the wife of a rancher in California. This is not the life of cowboys and horses, for, in California, farms were also referred to as ranches, based on the original Mexican land grants known as "ranchos." The story follows Catherine's life, from being a young bride in the 1920s, through to the end of the twentieth century. Along with her experiences came the character and fortitude that helped this "woman of quiet strength" to serve as a major influence on those around her.
His first three novels focused on gay romance for a pleasant afternoon read. The intent of the novels are to focus on romance, not erotica. The target audience for these novels are persons who are interested in romance, deep emotional connections, and identifiable characters. The fact that the main characters are gay will not detract from the mainstream straight audience looking for a romantic escape.
Brandon Carlisle can be reached at the following links:
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