The Promise is Robert Crais's 20th novel and second Scott and Maggie novel (our review is below). After reading the first, Suspect, we fell in love with Maggie, and asked Crais about her welcome return.
"I brought Maggie back because I love her. Simple as that. Creating the character of K-9 Maggie--a German shepherd who sniffed out explosives in Iraq and Afghanistan before she lost her handler to an IED attack--was one of the most interesting, fascinating, and moving pleasures of my career. I wanted Maggie to be a true and realistic dog, which meant I had to learn about dogs. I'm not talking about the general and loving knowledge that comes with having a dog as a pet, but the roll-up-your-sleeves deeper knowledge that would open the doors to discovering what Maggie was capable of as a character, what part she would play in the story, and how she would add to the drama. This meant spending time with LAPD's K-9 Platoon, which I did (and do), but I also had to learn how Maggie--how a dog--takes in the world, what drives her, motivates her, and why dogs bond with us the way they do. I had to learn how and why dogs love us, and we, them. Readers fell in love with Maggie, I think, because the bond between Maggie and her handler, LAPD K-9 Officer Scott James, rings true. Readers see their own pets in Maggie, and their love for their pets in Scott's love for his K-9 partner.