The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence, part of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, has selected "People: A leader's day-to-day guide to building, managing, and sustaining lean organizations" by Robert Martichenko, Steve Gran, Walt Miller and Roger Pearce as a recipient of the Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award. Martichenko is the CEO of LeanCor, a supply chain partner that provides training, education, consulting and outsourced logistics services.
"Receipt of the Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award signifies authors' significant contribution to the body of knowledge surrounding operational excellence," said Robert Miller, executive director of The Shingo Prize. "The intent is to motivate others to learn from them."
"People: A leader's day-to-day guide to building, managing, and sustaining lean organizations" asserts that the building of a lean culture, or a culture that strives to continuously improve its processes in order to create more value to the customer, must be centered around people and leadership. The authors outline the high-level concepts, activities, principles and practices that they claim leaders must know intimately in order to successfully execute a lean transformation.
"At the end of the day, creating a lean culture is about people," said Martichenko. "This book addresses the fundamental, practical and realistic ways of creating a lean culture by focusing on people and leadership."
By "challenging" or applying for an award, authors invite a group of accomplished professionals and trained examiners from The Shingo Prize to thoroughly review their publications. The examiners select the publications they think are worthy of recognition.
Martichenko et al. will receive the award during the opening social of the 26th Annual Shingo International Conference held in Sandusky, Ohio the week of May 5-9, 2014. The opening social is the beginning of this five-day event featuring a selection of workshops, plant tours, keynote speakers and breakout sessions designed to provide ongoing knowledge, insights and experience for organizations in their pursuit of operational excellence.
About The Shingo Prize
The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence is named after Japanese industrial engineer, Shigeo Shingo. Dr. Shingo distinguished himself as one of the world's thought leaders in concepts, management systems and improvement techniques that have become known as the Toyota Business System. Drawing from Dr. Shingo's teachings, The Shingo Prize helps companies and organizations increase their efficiency and effectiveness by developing cultures that continuously strive for improvement. It also awards and recognizes organizations that demonstrate exceptional results from applying its philosophy and recognizes authors who have contributed important insights and applications of the principles it teaches. Those interested in more information about The Shingo Prize may visit