As part of the Tougaloo Nine, Geraldine Edwards Hollis recounts the real story behind such historic and symbolic event in her published book "Back To Mississippi" (published by Xlibris). Published in 2011, the book is set to have a new marketing campaign.
"After 50 years, it was time to let the story be known. The world, especially my family had a right to know how I got to be at Tougaloo. They needed to know how I became a member Tougaloo Nine and the resulting history."
For Hollis, writing the book is essential due to the fact that civil rights, injustice, segregation, cultural bashing and inequality today has moved from simply the issue of race as it invades all citizens in the work place, entertainment, education, social media and communities at large.
"There is no other book written on the Tougaloo Nine from the personal and living experiences that were revealed by the entering into a segregated public in the state of Mississippi."
An excerpt from the book:
"If you do not know your history, you are destined to repeat it."
"Back To Mississippi"
By Geraldine Edwards Hollis
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 332 pages | ISBN 9781465368225
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 332 pages | ISBN 9781465368218
E-Book | 332 pages | ISBN 9781465368232
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Geraldine Edwards Hollis is a wife, mother and grandmother. She resides in Northern California. She is a native of Mississippi. She attended Tougaloo College in Tougaloo Mississippi. She is a public speaker, community activist and volunteer with several non-profits. Hollis enjoys living life healthy, fit and well. She knows that education is a force to enable accountability to self and community. She enjoys reading, writing and sharing her thoughts. She intends to answer the questions of why she put her life on the line and her future in jeopardy. Hollis also wrote the book "March Memories," published in 2014. This is her official website:
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