"Knowledge Capsule" is the first volume of a collection of general knowledge facts that aims to refresh the reader's mind and in turn increase the IQ of teachers and students alike. The book has been carefully divided into various sections such as fashion and entertainment, geography, history, engineering and technology, science, sports, world records, as well as a special section named "mixed bag" containing multiple objective type questions with images inserted in between.
"What makes it unique and interesting from other books is that all the facts are distinct and innovative in their own sense and have been picked carefully covering several topics with illustrations at regular intervals for gluing the readers to the book," Huzefa points out.
The author admits that there is no dearth of resources from online encyclopedias and available websites but he sees that the need of the hour is a compact compendium of knowledge that is interesting to read and easy to digest.
"Knowledge Capsule: Vol. 01"
By Huzefa
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 116 pages | ISBN 9781482848649
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 116 pages | ISBN 9781482848656
E-Book | 116 pages | ISBN 9781482848632
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Huzefa is an Indian author settled in Kuwait. He is a civil engineer by profession who wants to contribute to the field of writing in his own simple and unique way by sharing some of the general knowledge facts that will serve as a great guide for the young and aspiring students who want to learn the hidden facts about the elements on the planet.