While encouraging others to heal while learning, Block explains how people can unwittingly become trapped within destructive family dynamics, provides discussions and exercises to help with working through them and demonstrates how to apply a proven therapy method to help families identify entanglements and problems, obtain resources and transform themselves so that all members can achieve their greatest potential.
“There are no books like this one,” Block says. “Normally, books about families are tragic and heavy to read while the ones that are easy to read do not go deep. Most of them give theory but not resources to heal. I have not found a combination like this one: easy to read, goes very deep, gives a lot in few pages, brings humor and heals.”
Through the publication of “Heal Your Family: Get Love and Life to Flow from Your Ancestors to You and Your Children,” Block hopes to give family a much-needed healing and loving transformation as well as the knowledge of family dynamics and the way to solve and be free from entanglements, so they can move towards their life.
“Heal Your Family: Get Love and Life to Flow from Your Ancestors to You and Your Children”
By Magui Block
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 186 pages | ISBN 9781504390415
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 186 pages | ISBN 9781504390422
E-Book | 186 pages | ISBN 9781504390439
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Magui Block initiated into psychotherapy more than 25 years ago, studying various specializations and finally creating her own method for achieving extraordinary results in very little time. Currently, she offers diplomas for training professional facilitators in the Magui Block Method, besides offering consultations and continually creating tools for transforming through love.
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