In book one of the series, the author highlights on how to improve communication and move into the Age of Aquarius and invites seekers to embark on a journey of self-exploration and study the oldest religion in the world known as Witchcraft, but now called Wicca . It also includes training exercises, "that will leave them with deep insights about the mysteries of Wicca and the "Goddess, (Mother Earth)" and identify the eight paths to enlightenment.
"Life is a great classroom, but we have forgotten how to see and really look; listen and hear; sense and openly feel," the author says. "I am hoping that my series of books, where I have over 50 years of learning, training and teaching hundreds of seekers, will open your eyes, ears and soul to the truth of the universe so you can learn and know just a small fragment of what Magick is really about. It does not matter about your religious background, what matters is that you come into Wicca with an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude. Acceptance and tolerance is the key to truly being a Wicce."
"Let us together go on a journey that will hopefully educate you and take you on a path to self-discovery and the discovery of the true and real Magick, which is called Wiccecraft and Wicca."
"Complete Teachings of Wicca: Book One: The Seeker"
By The Witch of Oz
Softcover | 7.5 x 9.25in | 446 pages | ISBN 9781504311755
E-Book | 446 pages | ISBN 9781504311939
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
The Witch of Oz has dedicated more than five decades to studying and teaching Wicca. She was the first to confront the Australian establishment to accept Wicca as a religion. She is the founder of The Church of Wicca, which was the country's first legal neo-pagan church and she has lectured at universities throughout the world. She has also appeared in dozens of documentaries, television shows and on the radio.
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