Upcoming international book exhibit will feature a stunning sequel to a historical novel. From J. Rowland Broughton, author of "The New Day," comes the next installment of the Harvey Family History, titled "Return to the Soil: The Second Book in the Harvey Saga." Broughton's newly published book is the continuation of a series of books about a family in Lincolnshire, Eastern England. While highlighting the ups and downs in the survival and continuity of family life, the book vividly traces the effect of war on rural life.
Set in the 1930s and '40s, this stunning sequel continues to follow the life and times of the Harvey Family. Eight-year-old Henry Harvey becomes the master of the Harvey Estates at "Long Halls. When he turns 18 years old, he chooses to stay in University College at Nottingham to study Engineering, as opposed to Oxford or Cambridge, where he meets Amy Watkinson who he eventually marries.
The story then details Henry's marriage with Amy, his courageous efforts in the Royal Air Force as a volunteer, and his compelling interest in the world of politics and national affairs. It portrays how he fulfills family traditions, accepts his Monarch's Special Commission and travels into Europe on the king's business. His experiences, commitments and the devastating war that re-shaped the world all propel him to challenging paths.
With its intriguing historical slant, ever deepening storyline and memorable characters, "Return to the Soil" is a saga that will captivate readers' hearts as it traces a man's life throughout a critical period in history that has dramatically changed the lives of many. Broughton has indeed successfully captured the intense trials and triumphs of a lifetime within a protagonist that is to become an inspiring icon of family survival.
This book will be featured at the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair Book Exhibit in Frankfurt, Germany, on October 9 - 13, 2013.
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About the Author
James Rowland Broughton was raised in Lincolnshire during World War II. He was educated at the Huntingdon School for Boys, Nottingham and District Technical College, Woolwich Polytechnic, and The Royal College of Advanced Technology. He has written technical books and manuals, and developed programs on Bills of Material Systems, Systems Control, and Engineering Control Systems. Broughton is an inveterate scribbler on all matters that catch his interest and has a vast reserve of books articles and systems that he has never tried to publish. "The New Day" is the first book in a four-book series covering the life of "The Harvey Family" (a totally imagined family) who has an estate on the edge of the Fens.
Return to the Soil * by J. Rowland Broughton
The Second Book in the Harvey Saga
Publication Date: May 10, 2013
Trade Paperback; £13.99; 269 pages; 978-1-4836-3071-7
Trade Hardback; £23.99; 269 pages; 978-1-4836-3072-4
Ebook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-3073-1
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