Described by the author as fun, exciting and comedic, the story starts out with a daring rescue that unites two friends, Little Leaf and Stoogie. As they travel together, they meet new friends. While all are in the company of each other, one of them gets lost. The friends join together and go on a journey to find their beloved friend.
Brought by his will and desire to write what he wants to write, Sauvola hopes to bring families closer through the publication of the book. “It is not something you always hear about. The characters and plot is not what you read over and over,” the author says.
As one friend is set for a mission to find a missing friend, Sauvola hopes that readers will enjoy and end up with a smile after reading “Little Leaf.” Visit to purchase and find out more about the book.
“Little Leaf”
By Paul Sauvola
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 58 pages | ISBN 9781543432619
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 58 pages | ISBN 9781543432602
E-Book | 58 pages | ISBN 9781543433234
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Paul Sauvola loves writing and enjoys doing it. It is his passion to make characters within his mind into reality.
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