Signalman Publishing is pleased to announce the release in paperback as well as an ebook for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble nook, and the Apple iBookstore of "The Denivan Exile," book number 2 in the Christian fantasy epic series "The Saga of Terminus Mundus" by Michael Mazzaro of Staten Island, New York.
The series begins in book 1, "The Legend of the Last Knight" which takes place on Terminus Mundus, a planet of unrivaled beauty, mysticism, and danger. War hero, Prince Cedric Rhone, is victorious in his final battlefield campaign and looks to settle down peacefully with his beautiful, young betrothed, Princess Cassandra Acadia. However, demonic forces and corrupt nobles work against him by formulating a coup against Cassandra's father. "The Denivan Exile" begins with the tired, desperate, and heartbroken survivors of the Acadian coup arriving in the margrave of Deniva. Embracing her new mantle as the Queen of Central Acadia, Cassandra rallies new allies to aid her in the continuing war. Yet, darkness still covers the Acadian plains as Abaddon's specter haunts the land and no one is spared the malice wielded by the rebel King Maximilian Luminas. Despite these harsh times, a spark ignites in the far north reaches of the continent. From this ember, a wildfire of hope will consume everything that evil has touched. An old Titan proverb reaches the ears of all those willing to hear it: "Legends Never Die!"Videos