NH author shares real angelic, supernatural encounters in new book.
Rekindle one's belief with the supernatural in the nationwide release of author Bonnie McPhail's enlightening, new biographical book, "The Angel Seer: Authentic Angelic Encounters." Her book is set to be released nationwide this week. Most people believe in angels but have never seen them. In "The Angel Seer," author McPhail describes actual angelic encounters that she has gone through as well as her supernatural experiences, showing her readers how they are personally and individually loved and taken care of. They will learn how to recognize these situations when they are personally involved in their own lives. Published by Winters Publishing Group, the book is available through bookstores nationwide or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com. McPhail holds a bachelor's degree in organizational management and ethics, an associate degree in nursing and certifications in both pastoral studies and life coaching. She is an ordained Assembly of God minister who resides in Claremont, NH where she has a national traveling ministry to women of all ages. The author, whose work has been published both nationally and internationally, is actively involved in conferences and workshops.Videos