Bomber's Moon tells the story of a former pianist who becomes a pilot to impress the rich woman he plans to marry, and to stay in the social circle to which she belongs. However, though he acts the part, he is no true warrior.
"Everybody in the crew was, for the most part, exactly who they appeared to be. Except Vince. Vince was a caricature of himself. Even his name was phony. His name was Martino, but he changed it, believing that ethnic types had two strikes against them. Vince wanted things in life that he believed would never come to him given his true background. A lounge piano player, thus Boogie Woogie, he gave himself some extra polish and potential by graduating from Manhattan Conservatory of Music which uplifted him to a serious musician. His fiancée, Carlotta, was a debutante from a monied New York family. And so as a serious musician with a rich fiancee Vince abandoned his middle class roots and was on his way to a life of privilege, culture and wealth. The war put all that on hold." -Excerpt from Bomber's MoonVideos