This spring, there will be no more excuses as to why it is impossible to workout. Don't have a gym membership? Don't need one. Don't have enough space at home for equipment? Don't need it. Don't have enough time? Ten minutes (or less) is that is required to get started. Little Pearl Publishing's latest book, the collaboration of yoga instructors, personal trainers, and collegiate athletes, demonstrates 150 bodyweight exercises that will help anyone achieve their ultimate body, without needing anything more than the will to get up and move. Published just this week through Amazon, Keep Calm and Get Fit is available free of charge for anyone who downloads it through Wednesday, February 27th.
Just like the title, Keep Calm and Get Fit, Little Pearl's book is simple, cut and dry. No fluff or excess rambling, the book gets right to the meat of how to use bodyweight exercises to get into amazing shape. There are hundreds of color photographs along with step-by-step instructions for each exercise, which have been broken down into categories, like arms, legs, core, and total body. Yoga and stretching sections have also been added to make Keep Calm and Get Fit the only resource needed for a well-rounded workout.
"Bodyweight exercises are extremely efficient," explains one of the book's contributors. "They give a total body workout without the need of going to a gym or buying a bunch of overpriced equipment - they really make it inexcusable not to work out."
And, for someone who has never tried bodyweight workouts, they will soon discover that these exercises, while albeit tough, are fun too.
"You can get outside, find a couple of friends, and just get right to the point. The possibilities and combinations are endless; you never have to do the same workout twice if you don't want to."
Pick up Keep Calm and Get Fit free through Wednesday February, 27 and enjoy the ultimate healthy and toned body just in time for summer getaways.