Meet Theodore Grouchier, a miserable man who doesn't drink, doesn't have sex or a sense of humour. He is not a likeable man. He is only fond of cricket and his deceased mother. He doesn't drive and can't cycle to work because he keeps falling or getting knocked off. Therefore, he is forced to travel to his work as a scientist by bus.
Tinnitus written by author Bob Samedi is a fictional novel that tells the story of a once sullen child, a sulky teenager, a grumpy science student specialising in entomology who grows old to become a reserved man. Being in his fifties, he had long ago resigned himself to bachelordom. Aside from this, everyone knows that he could be irritated easily by a lot of things.
Some of the people who share his journey are unwittingly by their personal entertainment, driving him to commit a serious crime. He creates a project to wreak revenge using his scientific knowledge of a nasty parasitic creature that he will unleash onto the people who offend him. However, his project backfires as a result of a burglary and causes a spread of the creatures into the South East of the UK. The government turns to Grouchier's company to help contain the crisis, but will his part in it be revealed?
Tinnitus takes readers into a journey that involves renewing acquaintance with a sweetheart from a university (Theodore's one and only) and a good boss with a just-turned-twenty trainee digital forensic scientist. A holiday read with a mixture of genres dotted with humor, a bit of horror, a soupcon of forensic intrigue and a sprinkling of romance, this fictional tale is something everyone will truly enjoy.
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About the Author
Bob Samedi was born and educated in Middlesex where he studied Classics and Modern subjects. He left home for the West Country and worked in Data Processing/Information Technology for a large financial institution. He still lives in the West Country with his wife; they've been happily married for over twenty eight years.
Tinnitus * by Bob Samedi
Publication Date: June 13, 2013
Trade Paperback; £13.99; 188 pages; 978-1-4836-4809-5
Trade Hardback; £23.99; 188 pages; 978-1-4836-4810-1
Ebook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-4811-8
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