Even back in his home country of Sweden, some were comparing his painting style with that of Picasso, Matisse, Van Gogh and other masters. Today Björn Sjögren is experiencing the same comparisons by viewers and purchasers in the United States. And like many of history's masters, Björn is entirely self-taught.
One of the books now being released is Art History - a tongue-in-cheek title for an 104-page, 10" x 8" book printed in full color and telling the stories behind some 50 paintings Björn has created during the years since 1987. The book also includes most of the other images he has created during this period, making it a coffee table book worth having in homes with an active interest in contemporary fine art.
Also being published at this time is The Swedish Painter, Björn's autobiography that is an inspirational book for all ages about life, work, challenges and adventures, including Björn's 10-year stint as a new arrival to the U.S. in rural Wisconsin before moving to San Antonio in 2011.
Both books are available on Björn's website, http://www.artbybjorn.com where you also will be able to see some of the pages prior to purchase. Also there, both books as e-books.There you can also see his art and also order personally signed art prints. Björn accepts and ships orders worldwide.