In Bill Nielsen's novel "The Qaakil" (published by Trafford Publishing), readers watch as Colt Stanton, ex navel pilot and heir to the Stanton fortune, along with romantic love interest Dr. Molly Wheatly, attempt to unravel the mysterious link between gruesome happenings in a New York river and the death of Colt's father in the far north.
During a dangerous journey to the scene of the death, they discover a horrifying truth. The Qaakil, a giant predatory fish of Inuit legends not only exists but Colt's family is responsible for importing them into the New York waterways! Their quest will be to contain these beasts before more deaths occur while fighting a crazed environmentalist, Keith Pierce, who is on the Qaakil's side, countenancing even murder to "restore balance to nature."
With a mix of love, humor and compassion, the book shows readers how the inherent goodness of mankind can prevail through terrifying situation.
An excerpt from the book:
"The old man's eyes glowed from the shadows of his face like burning coals, accenting his emotions as he continued the chant with a deeper and more mysterious voice. 'But to the land where the sun falls, He sent The Qaakil! Mighty ones who rule all the waters there!' Suddenly, he turned toward the children as he faced the West, moving his arms like snapping jaws, startling the children as it always did and shouted, 'Men die there!!' And then in a quieter mysterious voice added, 'Those lands are forbidden to us.'"
"The Qaakil" was born out of Nielsen's own interests. "I continually fight to overcome changes in the fishery because of invasive species and now face the possibility of big Asian carp and snakeheads in our waterways. I also enjoy good (sensible) science fiction (not fantasy) and believe in the inherent goodness of man."
"The Qaakil"
By Bill Nielsen
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 286 pages | ISBN 9781466966864
E-Book | 286 pages | ISBN 9781466966871
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Bill Nielsen has been involved with technical journals, co-authoring one published book and producing many papers involving dyeing and colors. He writes humorous articles with a moral for a local newspaper under the pseudonym "Hill Bill."
An avid fisherman, Nielsen is very successful in catching the nearest thing he can to a qaakil, the great northern pike. Retired, he now lives with his wife of 52 years in rural upstate New York.
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