Big Bang (The Cosmic Secret) is a computer-generated Armageddon, straight out of the brilliant and imaginative mind of creative genius Marco Thoft. This exhilarating read depicts the frightening image of the earth's doom and explores the dark and playful plausibility of technology overpowering man's capacity and power.
At Maxwell Corporate University, five scientists from different creeds and backgrounds working on a military project attempt to discover the secret for outright creation but find themselves affected by a mysterious cosmic force issued from COMSAT "Antonof Karetchev." The story peaks when four PhD students in nuclear physics and a computer scientist, connected by super-computer TRINITY to a powerful atom-smasher CREATRON, re-enact the exact conditions of cosmic creation or Big Bang from a point outside space-time - inadvertently threatening the small beach resort town of Yapoona close by.
Added to the novel's complex plot is a planetary wobble caused by the gargantuan weight of river damming schemes, removal of mineral deposits and acute oil and gas shifts; the resulting weight list, throwing planet Earth like a marooned freighter off-balance.
Taking queues from some Hindu beliefs, the human race is also compared to Shiva the Destroyer, whose task is to destroy creation. Humanity is equated to a race of voracious and feisty omnivores who are "having a blast and don't mind wrecking the joint they are partying on."
The nightmare scenario of Big Bang (The Cosmic Secret) takes the rapid pace of technological development and rampant environmental devastation to its darkest extremes, postulating a doomsday of man's own making. Thoft presents a cautionary tale that will keep its readers on the edge of their seats from the first page to the very last.
For more information on this book and the author, interested parties may contact Xlibris (02) 8088 6078 or call 1-800-455-039.
About the Author
Macro Thoft is an electronic engineer and computer analyst. Thoft is also the co-founder and life member of the ProActive Designer Universe., with Evolution as well as Creation theorists readily accepted worldwide. A special computer program, nicknamed "The Beast" by its creators, has been used to write Big Bang [The Cosmic Secret] which contains a series of fast realizing computer predictions and self-fulfilled prophecies, with the author connecting all the dots, link texts together, un-hack and revise the somewhat alien computer phraseology, while at the same time endeavoring not to completely stifle its raw, perturbing style. The concept of this read whimsically plays with the readers' minds, especially that part of the human faculty which dreads the end of existence but at the same time is curious about how this controversial phenomenon would transpire.
Other similar works are being currently produced by Thoft for publication.
For more information, contact Xlibris at 1-800-455-039.