Marilyn Fanucchi's new book, Bible Lessons Made Easy: The Gospel of John ($40.99, hard cover, 9781498467070; $30.99, paperback, 9781498467063; $9.99, eBook, 9781498467087) shares with readers that the Gospel of John sets forth Jesus as the Son of God and the second person of the trinity. Jesus prayed before His death that there be unity among believers, in the formation of the early Jew and gentile church. Jesus also prayed that we all be one in Him, so that the world might believe in Him. Diverse as we are as Christians, we may worship in different ways and customs, but the truth that John established in His gospel is that the Father sent Jesus to us, to atone for our sins, and rise again for our sanctification.
Fanucchi says, "The book of the gospel of John is not to be 'just a read-through' book, but a book which helps you dig out truths for yourself. The book incorporates the Old Testament truths with truths in the New Testament. It is a workbook to write in. We find that people are growing in the love of God by studying the Word and finding the truths by looking up the scriptures. This gives a Holy Spirit high when you find His truth revealed. When we meet in class for the small group discussion of the questions, we find people say, 'I've read this a hundred times but I never saw this special truth.'"
Marilyn Fanucchi is a wife and mother of four great kids, who kept her running fast after them. However, she found herself ungrateful and sinking in depression, looking for more out of life. Her sister in law told her to study God's word, and she told her she did not have time. However, when she discovered Bible study, she discovered Jesus and they began a new life full of joy. Fanucchi received a new purpose of writing and sharing, which filled her with joy. The Holy Spirit gave her a cleansing and forgiveness and a great new understanding of His Love.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order Bible Lessons Made Easy: The Gospel of John through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through,, and
Media Contact: Marilyn Fanucchi
Email: mmfanucchi(at)gmail(dot)com