"Bible Bikers: Live Ridin' on the Road to Redemption" offers hope to those who have struggled with crime, addiction, and prison. Members of the Live Ride Ministry and Motorcycle Club share their testimonies about their hard lives, re-conversion and baptism into Christianity, and how they are moving forward, one step at a time, to a clean, sober, and Christian life, under the guidance of Pastor Rick Fish, Sr., himself a biker with a checkered past who has reformed, been ordained, and now leads others onto the road to redemption. Michael Gotz believes these messages are so important that he recorded the testimonies verbatim, with no editorial comment. "These guys tell it best in their own words, and I wrote it down just as they said them," said author Michael Gotz. "I am overwhelmed by the miracle that are these guys, and I want to share with those who need encouragement or enjoy validation of their Christian beliefs." One reader reviewed this book by saying: "This is a unique book that is inspiring, courageous and down to earth. Its theme is that it is possible for any of us to overcome great difficulties and character defects, if we are only willing to do so and have the bravery and courage to try. Well, these guys try, and we follow them doing good works, abstaining from drinking, drugs, and crime, and being available to Hells Angels and other bikers who seek them out for help."
To learn more about Michael Gotz and his book, or to invite Michael to speak at your next event, please visit: www.michaelgotzmedia.com. You can order an autographed copy of "Bible Bikers: Live Ridin' on the Road to Redemption" by visiting www.michaelgotzmedia.com or at Amazon: http://tiny.cc/bibleridersbook. About Michael Gotz:Videos