"Beware! The Devil Is In The Details: Proven Principles For Exceptional Project Management," by Nationally Published award-winning author Toby Waxman, CEO & Founder of Entitlement Strategies Group, Inc. and a leading authority on Project Management, was just awarded the 2017 Winter Pinnacle Achievement Award in the Category of Best Business Books by National Association of Book Entrepreneurs (NABE).The publisher Graphic Quill Media released two editions, paperback and ebook, worldwide in December and this Award tops its immediate 5-Star Reviews as an essential read for the serious minded project manager. In its very first month of sales the new Award-Winning Book garnered much excitement rising to number 15 on Amazon's Kindle Store Best Sellers list of Business Project Management Books.Quickly becoming required reading by millennials, serious managers, and business leaders interested fast tracking and honing the professional learning curve, the book focuses on the crucial skillset normally only acquired through many years of experience.