During the summer of 2005, Dallas radio station reporter Marcus Franklin Agaston is stunned when his friend Catherine, a pregnant surrogate for a childless gay couple, goes missing. When Catherine's body appears on the shoreline of Lake Ray Hubbard seven days later, Marcus begins searching for her killer.
While Marcus begins his hunt, his childhood friend's demands for money threaten Marcus's loyalty and propel Marcus's husband Sam, a successful lawyer, into action. As Marcus uncovers clues to the killer's identity, he must cope with betrayal from an unlikely source as a tragic event temporarily immobilizes him. When Marcus finally comes face-to-face with the real culprit, their meeting is shocking, but not as disturbing as Marcus's final discovery. "A Murder Among Friends" is available in either eBook or print format at Amazon, and also available in eBook format at Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.Videos