Two top thriller writers from France-Eric Giacometti and David Khara-will be attending International Thriller Writers' Thrillerfest from July 9-11 in New York City.
Both writers are published in English by Le French Book. Eric Giacometti's Shadow Ritual, which he wrote with Jacques Ravenne, is the start of a nine-book series that has sold two million copies worldwide. Douglas Preston calls it "Phenomenal." It is an electrifying thriller about the rise of extremism. Two slayings-one in Rome and one in Jerusalem-rekindle an ancient rivalry between modern-day secret societies for knowledge lost at the fall of the Third Reich. Detective Antoine Marcas unwillingly teams up with the strong-willed Jade Zewinski to chase Neo-Nazi assassins across Europe. They must unravel an arcane Freemason mystery, sparked by information from newly revealed KGB files.
David Khara's The Bleiberg Project became an overnight bestseller in France, and is followed up by The Shiro Project and The Morgenstern Project. The Consortium Thriller series offers a roller-coaster ride that dips into the history of World War II, then races through a modern-day loop-to-loop of action and humor. What impact could the folly of World War II-death camps, medical manipulation and chemical warfare-still have today? The hero is a mixture of Highlander and James Bond, bent on justice.
Thrillerfest is organized by International Thriller Writers, which has over 3,000 members in 28 countries with nearly 3 billion books in print.
Publisher Anne Trager from Le French Book will be joining Giacometti and Khara for the round table.
About Le French Book
Le French Book is a New York-based publisher that brings France's best mysteries and thrillers to new readers across the English-speaking world. Its motto is: "If we love it, we'll translate it."
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