“Conversations with G: A Physician’s Encounter with Heaven” chronicles Dr. Shealy’s life changing moments including the spiritual leaders and angelic guides he met along the way who helped inspire him as he discovered groundbreaking holistic approaches to healing. One of these leaders includes his longtime friend, medical intuitive and mystic, Caroline Myss, who co-wrote two books with him as well as the foreword for “Conversations with G”.
“Norm coined the title, ‘medical intuitive’, as I refused to be refereed to as a psychic or clairvoyant. Today there are hundreds of thousands of people who call themselves medical intuitives. Medical Intuition is gradually evolving into a medical science and though we have a way to go, Norm and I put medical intuition on that track toward becoming a recognized science in the field of health care.” – Caroline Myss
Dr. Shealy hopes readers will be inspired by his own experiences and successes to be open to holistic healing and the angelic guides in their lives and discover their own spiritual potential. He is currently on a speaking engagement tour for the Blueprint for Holistic Healing conference hosted by the Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., visiting select locations throughout the country, and is available for interviews. To learn more please visit http://www.normshealy.net.
“Conversations with G: A Physician’s Encounter with Heaven”
By C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-9822-0831-8 (sc), 978-1-9822-0833-2 (hc), 978-1-9822-0832-5 (e)
Available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Balboa Press
About Dr. C. Norman Shealy
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., D. Sc., FACS, DABNS, is Founder and President of the International Institute of Holistic Medicine, President of Shealy Wellness, LLC and Holos Energy Medicine Education. He is editor of the Journal of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine and founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978 where his goal was to integrate spirituality into medicine. He has numerous patents in Energy Medicine and is a bestselling author having published 35 books and over 350 articles.
Dr. Shealy’s innovations include Spinal Cord Stimulation, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), the RejuvaMatrix® for rejuvenating telomeres, and Transcutaneous Acupuncture, which also rejuvenates telomeres which he has found to be his most remarkable discovery with the greatest potential benefits to all. His clinical work includes comprehensive holistic management of pain, depression, anxiety and cardiovascular problems. Dr. Shealy received a B.S. Med, M.D., from Duke University, received a Ph.D. in Psychology from Saybrook University, is a member of the Greene County Medical Society, is a board-certified Neurological Surgeon, and Professor Emeritus Holos University Graduate Seminary.
For Interview & Review Copy Requests:
LAVIDGE – Phoenix
Lauren Dickerson
General Inquiries:
LAVIDGE – Phoenix
Danielle Grobmeier