Amish Tripathi, one of the highest selling authors in Indian publishing history, with 4 million copies of his books sold, is embarking on a 10-day tour of the United States of America from 1 st to 10 th February 2018. Organized by Westland Publications Pvt. Ltd, the tour will conclude with a prestigious Harvard India Conference centered on the theme 'Literaturein contemporary India: Languages, Identity and Perception', where Amish will be a part of a Keynote Panel. Several cultural organizations and South Asian Studies Departments across Universities will come together to organize public events for the author in Seattle, San Francisco, Houston, New York City, Washington DCand Boston.
Commenting on his upcoming tour, Amish said, "The USA always promises an interesting cross-pollination of ideas. I am excited to share my experiences and meet some really distinguished individuals over the course of 10 days."
Amish's books are a fine blend of myth, fiction and philosophy. Forbes Magazine has listed him amongst the 100 most influential celebrities in India, while GQ has rated him amongst 50 Most Influential Young Indians. He is also an Eisenhower Fellow, a prestigious American programme for outstanding leaders from around the world. He has won numerous awards for his books, including the prestigious Crossword Book Award in India.
The schedule for Amish's USA tour is as follows: