Seth Greene is one of the country's most sought after experts on social media marketing. Seth Greene has been nationally featured multiple times on CBS Money Watch, The Boston Globe, and The International Business Times, and he knows how to make social media work for a business in order to become more profitable. He also knows that although it is a great tool for marketing, it can be a dangerous place for children. "The most important thing we do as parents is protect our children. Keep them safe. But every day they're online, they're at risk. They're targets of predators and other criminals, cyberbullies, and new threats that emerge every day" says Seth.
In a 2012 survey by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 46% of 10 to 17 year olds admit giving out their personal information online to someone they did not know.
In order to help parents realize the possible dangers of social media, Seth has written "Our Children: The Dangers of Social Media 'The Parents Guide to Social Media Safety'". In this guide he explains the different issues about social media that should concern parents. Seth says, "As parents, we need to be aware of our children's activities online, and know the full extent of the dangers that are out there facing them. Parents simply cannot afford to ignore the potential dangers that Social Media presents to our children and teens. In this guide, you'll learn many of those threats. More important, you'll learn easy, practical steps you can take today to protect your children from those dangers."
To get a copy of this guide visit
About Seth Greene
Seth Greene is one of the country's top experts in social media marketing. He is CEO of
Market Domination, LLC, which helps businesses grow their online presence and revenue responsibly. He recently released a free business marketing guide, "7 Guaranteed Ways to
Attract New Customers Like Magic", and also offers "The Magical Marketing Audit" of
business websites, proven to improve recognition and traffic. For more information, go to:
Seth Greene
Market Domination
"Seth Greene is Proud to Support The HOME Foundation "
About The HOME Foundation:
The Helping Others Means Everything, or The HOME Foundation, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping our Family of Charities. Frankie Verdugo, President of The HOME Foundation, wants to help as many worthy charities as possible as they struggle during these tough economic times. Frankie Verdugo helps raise funds through luxury dream home raffles, home giveaways, prizes, and high profile celebrity events in Hollywood. "Our mission is to help charities reach their fundraising goals and to bring awareness to their praiseworthy causes."