Hobart draws from diverse sources, such as biology, mythology, energy medicine and other spiritual traditions. "We are faced with everything from environmental destruction, political and corporate corruption, social inequality, and -isms of all kinds," explains Hobart. "This book offers a way to reconnect to our deepest Knowing, and get the resourcing necessary to not only survive, but heal in these difficult times."
The author discusses ways to become empowered without the use of force. Ultimately, the book is designed to guide readers toward their individual truths.
"This is an energetic transmission as much as a method. Let the words flow over you, and let go of needing to understand it all. Feel what arises, and see what moves in you, and in your life."
"Becoming Sacred Space"
By Michelle Anne Hobart
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 130 pages | ISBN 9781504354349
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 130 pages | ISBN 9781504354363
E-Book | 130 pages | ISBN 9781504354356
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Michelle Anne Hobart, MA, SEC, is a practitioner of energy medicine and holistic health educator. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biology and a Master of Arts in philosophy, cosmology and consciousness. Currently, she is doing coursework in Integral Counseling Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies. Hobart is a Certified Spiritual Emergence Coach and an MFT Trainee at Golden Gate Integral Counseling Center in San Francisco.
Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. - a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit balboapress.com. To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.