This is a photo essay collection great for all ages, though especially for kids and teens. It's a motivator and shows girls and young women in all walks of life. There are over 175 photos of girls in action, not staged or posed, and it's easy to get caught up in the beauty of the moment.
Girls can have limitless imaginations. They can get back up again after falling. They can support one another. They can change the world.
The book is in a similar style to the wildly popular HUMANS OF NEW YORK by Brandon Stanton, except full of shorter messages and stunning imagery.
Many of the pages are full of the quotes you see on social media such as Instagram and Pinterest, such as:
Others feature a moment in time that will make you smile:
Still more leave you with hope and life messages:
There are athletic girls, girls not afraid of a little dirt, girls who love exploring, girls who love one another, girls who aren't afraid to sweat and cry. If we fall down, we get back up again.
STRONG IS THE NEW PRETTY is a wonderfully powerful book, especially for younger readers still developing their views of the world and what is possible. It feels fitting that it should come out this week and be available to read today on International Women's Day.
STRONG IS THE NEW PRETTY: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves by Kate T. Parker was published on March 7, 2017 by Workman Publishing Company.
***All photographs copyright Kate T. Parker and Workman Publishing Company.