Located west of the Pecos River, the Trans-Pecos is a mostly mountain and desert region and is part of the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Teeming with plant life, botanists agree it is the most biologically diverse arid region in the Western Hemisphere. With a land area roughly the size of South Carolina, it represents approximately 44.5% of all the plant species in Texas. The book features 2343 flowering plant species along with their botanical information including 768 color photos.
Twenty years in the making, this definitive work that has documented the important plant biodiversity and natural history of the arid West Texas region and will stand as the area’s plant reference guide for generations to come. It will be used by students, teachers, wildlife biologists, professional botanists, and managers of private, public, and Nature Conservancy lands to help identify, protect and preserve plant species throughout Texas and in neighboring areas. It will also be a valuable resource for wildflower enthusiasts, environmental consultants, ranchers, researchers, and gardeners.
Dr. Powell is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Biology and Director of the Sul Ross State University Herbarium. With research interests in plant systematics, cacti, native plant ornamentals, and rare native plants, he and his wife Shirley began researching and assembling information for this book in the mid-1990s. Together they collected, documented and photographed many of the plants found in this book.
Dr. Worthington is Associate Professor Emeritus in Biology at the University of Texas at El Paso and Curator of the UTEP Herbarium. Dr. Worthington’s research interests have focused on plant diversity throughout the mountains of the Southwest and on documentation of plants of southern New Mexico and western Texas.
The BRIT Press prepares, publishes, and distributes scholarly botanical, educational and reference books and journals. To date, the BRIT Press has published over 50 plant reference books on taxonomic monographs, botanical history, floras, and biographies.
Flowering Plants of the Trans-Pecos Texas and Adjacent Areas retails for $85.00 and can be purchased at Shop BRIT at: https://shop.brit.org/ and later on Amazon.com.